Dude Baking Soda forhis Family Offered Beer Funny Gif

Soda Pop Puns, Coke Humor, Canned Laughter
Pop open funny soft drink jokes, fizzy drink humor, bottled laughs and soda refreshing puns.

Soda Jokes, Soft Drink Humor, Fizzy Pop Puns
(Because Wet and Sticky Food Fights Could Never Be Mainstream Enough for Caffeinated Carbonation Lovers!)

Warning: Proceed at Your Own Risk! Sugary carbonated puns may cause bubbly laughter or belching!
| Soda Funny Puns | Beverage LOLs | Coffee Puns, Java Jokes | 2 | Milk Grins | Bartender Jokes |
| Beer Jokes and Brewed Puns | Craft Beer Jokes | Wine Lovers Humor | Mixed Drink Laughs |
| Wry Whiskey Jokes | Vodka Jokes | Spirited Liquor Puns | Drunken Humor | Bar Pick-Up Lines |

Q. Why did the guy quit his job crushing soft drink cans at the aluminum recycling center?
A. Because it was just soda pressing.

Q. What do you call it when a grocery store only sells soda pop in bottles?
A. Totally un-canny.

Q. Why did the guy at the Pepsi factory get fired?
A. He tested positive for Coke.

Please pardon these soft drink puns. Yes, we know they're soda dumb.

An orange soda walks into a bar. Bartender looks him over and says, "You know, I like you. You've got a lot of a peel."

Q. What should you do with an old inventory of Coke, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper?
A. Liquidate it.

Bubbly Pick-Up Line: Hey baby, If I was a soda, I would Mountain Dew you.

Q. What do you call a blind taste test between Coke and Pepsi?
A. A Pop Quiz!

Q. Which soft drink do frogs and toads prefer?
A. Croak-a-Cola.

Q. What is Darth Vader's least favorite soda pop temperature?
A. Luke warm.

Q. What is Pespi's new ad slogan?
A. Because sometimes they don't have Coke.

Q. Which day of the week do people only have a limited amount of Coke and Pepsi to drink?
A. Thirst-Day.

A guy asked the bartender for a rum and Coke. Bartender asks, "Is Pepsi OK?" Guy says, "Sure." So the bartender gives him a glass of Pepsi and Coke.

Q. What is a Romulan's favorite soft drink?
A. Cloak-a-Cola.

Q. How did the woman feel after she found out how many calories were in her cola?
A. She was soda-pressed.

I went to the store for 8 Sprites, but when I got home I realized I picked 7 Up.

Q. What kind of soda pop do owls prefer?
A. Hoot beer.

Q. Why did the blonde snort Sweet'n Low?
A. She thought it was Diet Coke.

Q. What happened after the soft drink company CEO was fired?
A. He was soda dpressed that he developed a Coke habit.

Q. Why did the blonde lick the bottom of the soda can?
A. Because it said, "Tastes best by sell by date." Duh!

Q. Who made the first soda?
A. Adam made Eve's cherry pop.

Q. What do you get if you put root beer in a square glass?
A. Beer!

Q. What is a tree's favorite soft drink?
A. Root Beer.

| Soda Funny Puns | Beverage Humor | Coffee Puns, Java Jokes | 2 | Milk | Bartender Jokes |
| Beer Jokes and Brewed Puns | Craft Beer Jokes | Wine Lovers Humor | Mixed Drink Laughs |
| Wry Whiskey Jokes | Vodka Jokes | Spirited Liquor Puns | Drunken LOLs | Bar Pick-Up Lines |
| Waiter Jokes, Barista Puns | Dessert Jokes | Pie Puns | Cookie and Candy Jokes | Ice Cream |
| Fruity Humor | Apple Jokes | Banana Funs | Lemon LOLs | Orange Puns | Strawberry Jokes |
| Baker Jokes | Bread Puns | Chef Jokes | Chef Music LOLs | Chef Come-Ons | Foodie Humor |
| Gourmet Grins | Dinner Jokes | Lunch LOLs | Kitchen Gadget Jokes | Nut Jokes | Old Chef LOLs |
| Italian Food | Pizza Jokes | Pasta Puns | Restaurant Jokes | Pirate Cuisine | Seafood Puns |
| Butcher Jokes | Beef Jokes | Pork | Poultry Puns | Colorado Cuisine | Tex-Mex Jokes | BBQ |
| Deli Jokes | Burger Puns | Hot Dog LOLs | Ketchup Jokes, Mustard Puns | Herbs | Soup Jokes |

PainfulPuns Home
You haven't fizzled out yet , so here's even more gassy humor, Coke-y jokes,
and soda Pepsi painful puns to quench your thirst for laughter:

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Source: http://www.painfulpuns.com/food-soda.html

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