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The world is full of much fun and interesting trivia. Funny true or false questions and answers will give you a great source of amusement and astonishment. Let's solve it!

The world is an enchanting place, and it is filled with bizarre and fascinating info that you just may need by no means realize had been true.

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We have come up with fun facts in the form of Funny true or false questions and answers so that you can learn through fun!

Fortunately, we have these 60 funny true or false questions and answers, and we have combed by means of them to seek out our favorites.

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From a creature that may survive the tough vacuum of the area to the odd state sport of Maryland, you are certain to be taught one thing that makes you assume twice.

Funny true or false questions and answers

1. Kakapo bird has a strong, pleasant, musty odor which allows predators to easily locate it. Hence, it is critically endangered.

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2. Most of the birds cannot swallow their food without gravity

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3. It can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to the surface, but only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to earth.

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4. Penguins propose to each other with singing

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Penguins propose to each other with pebbles

5. The male giraffe tastes her saliva and that helps it determine whether the female is ovulating.

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The male giraffe tastes her pee

6. There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe.

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7. When we breathe through our nose, we always inhale more air from one nostril than with the other one — and this changes every 15 minutes.

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8. Honey has an expiry date

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Honey does not spoil. You could feasibly eat 3000-year-old honey.

9. The Spanish national anthem has no words.

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10. A mantis shrimp can swing its claw so fast it boils the water around it and creates a flash of light.

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11. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the Moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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12. Female seahorses give birth to their young

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Male seahorses give birth to their young

13. More than 20% of the popcorn in the U.S. comes from Indiana.

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14. An octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood

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15. Baby crocodile self-soothe by sucking their trunk, like human babies suck fingers

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Baby elephants self-soothe by sucking their trunk

16. The element plutonum is an unexpected metal—it's a soft, silvery-white metal that is solid at room temperature (similar to aluminum) but it can literally melt in the palm of your hand.

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Element Gallium can literally melt in the palm of your hand.

17. A cat's meow is a form of communication with humans only, not other cats

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18. Rats laugh when tickled

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19. In the early 90s, Pepsi owned 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer, all because of a deal with the Soviet Union in which they exchanged soda for military equipment.

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20. Dogs create a heart with their tails while mating

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Dragonflies create a heart with their tails while mating

21. Squirrels plant thousands of trees every year, worldwide, due to simply forgetting where they buried their acorns.

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22. Kiwis birds are almost completely blind and forage mainly through by feather

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Kiwis forage mainly through by smell

23. It's illegal to cut down a cactus in Georgia

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It's illegal to cut down a cactus in Arizona.

24. Sloths can't shiver

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25. The Milky Way galaxy is on a collision course

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The Andromeda Galaxy is close enough to collide with Earth's Milky Way galaxy in 4.5 billion years

26. The red handfish uses evolved fins to walk along the ocean floors

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27. Slow Loris can kill a human via venom transmitted through their urine

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28. The seed of strawberries is outside the fruit

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The "seeds" you see on the outside of a strawberry are actually the plant's ovaries and are called "achenes."

29. For over 3 decades, Canada and Denmark have been playfully fighting for control of a tiny island near Greenland called Hans Island.

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True. Every once in a while, when officials from each country visit, they leave a bottle of their country's liquor.

30. Neutron stars spin as fast as 600 times a second

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True. Of all the different kids of stars, neutron stars are the smallest and densest.

31. When two pieces of the same metal touch in space, they bond permanently

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True. This process is known as "cold welding."

32. The assassin bug Acanthaspis petax wears the corpses of ants to confuse predators

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33. At US President Andrew Jackson's funeral in 1845, his pet parrot had to be removed

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True, because it was swearing loudly

34. Planet Mercury is shrinking

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True, Mercury's iron core is still in the process of cooling

35. Turkeys can reproduce without having sex

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36. Hippos kill more humans than any other mammal per year

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37. The Earth's rotation is gradually slowing

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38. Startling birds can imitate words, sometimes better than parrots

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39. Uganda is home to over 1,000 species of birds.

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True, the 1,078 known species in Uganda make up 60% of Africa's bird population, and 11% of birds worldwide.

40. The strike of an eagle can be two times stronger than a rifle shot.

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41. Ronald Reagan's first job was a lifeguard. Over those six years, he saved 77 people from drowning.

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42. Platypuses swim with their eyes closed

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43. Egyptian Pharaoh Pepi II despised flies so much, he'd keep naked slaves smeared with honey near him in order to keep the flies away from him.

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44. Montenegro and Japan were, technically, in a war for 101 years.

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45. The closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus Rex are chickens

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46. Abraham Lincoln's son Robert Todd Lincoln was coincidentally either present or nearby when three presidential assassinations occurred.

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47. Space smells like seared steak.

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48. Only 50% of the ocean has been exlored, rest is still unseen.

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49. Nobody knows how many islands are in Indonesia.

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True, there are about 18,000 (about 14,500 of which are named), but the exact count still varies.

50. Pandas don't have any particular sleeping spot

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True, they simply fall asleep wherever they happen to be

51. More twins are born in Nigeria than anywhere else in the world.

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True, the Yoruba people who live in southwest Nigeria have a birth rate of 50 twins per 1,000 births. This may be linked to their diet.

52. The Battle of Bull Run during the American civil war was called "The Picnic Battle"

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53. One city in Pakistan produces about half the world's soccer balls.

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54. Bees never sting other bees.

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Bees sometimes sting other bees

55. There are over 800 languages spoken in Papua New Guinea.

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56. The shortest war occurred between the United Kingdom and the Zanzibar Sultanate on 27 August 1896, lasting between 38 and 45 minutes.

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57. Around the 17th century, New England states outlawed Christmas

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True, because celebrations were rowdy public displays of excessive eating and drinking, the mockery of established authority, aggressive begging (often combined with the threat of doing harm), and even the boisterous invasion of wealthy homes.

58. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on the same day, July 4, 1826, which was also the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

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59. The Florida Everglades is the only place you can find both alligators and crocodiles.

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60. High heels were originally worn by men.

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True, Heels on boots first started showing up in the 10th century because they helped horse riders keep their feet in their stirrups

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Understanding what motivates leaders both externally and internally is critical to achieving success and achieving workplace happiness and fulfillment. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are two types of motivation.

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is when you are pushed to complete a task because it is in line with your beliefs and objectives.

Intrinsic motivation is an internalized habit that supports a person's motivation to achieve personal objectives and complete activities over time.

You must be intentional with your comments if you want to foster intrinsic motivation in your team. Positive criticism and comments may assist your team members to grasp your expectations while also empowering them to work together toward a common goal.

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questions true or false food questions interesting true or false questions true or false baby questions and answers easy true or false questions true or false music questions true or false baby questions true or false solver free great true or false questions funny questions and answers true or false answers hard true or false questions funny question with answers true or false quiz funny true or false questions to ask your friends funny true or false facts funny true or false questions and answers pdf rude true or false questions true or false questions about yourself random true false questions true or false questions for kids easy true or false questions true or false sex questions funny food questions true/false answers true or false quiz answers funny travel questions trivia questions true or false true false trivia true or false christmas quiz with answers funny questions answers

Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is a sort of operant training in which incentives and punishments are used to encourage others to do a desired action or behavior.

Rewards like as bonuses, sales commissions, recognition, and celebrity, as well as penalties such as salary cuts and disciplinary proceedings, are examples of external incentives used to motivate people.

Extrinsic motivation may be beneficial in the workplace for promoting engagement and team motivation in particular situations.

This tactic, however, may not be a viable long-term strategy because it loses efficacy with time and might lead to staff fatigue.

Extrinsic motivation may help motivate your staff to take on a new challenge, learn a new skill, or reach their monthly KPIs.

It's vital to make sure that each team member has the resources they need to take on exciting new initiatives that they're excited about.
In the workplace, there are several types of team motivation.

In the job, everyone's requirements are varied. As a leader, you must adjust your approach to your team members' requirements in order to motivate them.

As a result, before devising a strategy, you must first comprehend the many sorts of motives.

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questions general knowledge trivial pursuit questions general knowledge quiz questions fun pub questions and answers general knowledge games general knowledge questions answers general trivia quizzes and answers question answer quiz games general knowledge facts quiz some knowledge questions and answers trivial pursuit game questions and answers challenging quiz questions and answers general knowledge fun questions and answers general knowledge pub trivia questions pub trivia with answers all general knowledge question and answer pub general knowledge quiz questions trivia pub questions and answers fun true and false questions with answers world trivia quiz questions and answers trivial pursuit general knowledge all trivial pursuit questions and answers quizzes general knowledge questions and answers quiz questions and their answers trivia questions and answers fun facts true false pub quiz questions quiz fun general knowledge quiz questions games with answers true and false pub quiz questions basic general knowledge test trivia questions with answer choices general knowledge of questions knowledge general question answer pub trivia and answers trivia true and false questions and answers fun pub trivia questions and answers trivia questions true false general knowledge question answer in one word true trivia questions and answers quiz questions and answers for general knowledge question and answer trivia games true are false questions give me some quiz questions and answers trivia questions and answers quiz questions with answers trivia questions with answers true false questions quiz with answers true and false questions trivia with answers quiz questions questions to answer quiz and answers trivia quiz questions and answers true false quiz trivia and answers true false answer it quiz questions and answers true false trivia questions true false game true false quiz questions true false questions and answers true and false questions and answers trivia game 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answers trivia true and false questions and answers trivia questions true false true trivia questions and answers question and answer trivia games quiz questions and answers movie trivia questions and answers movie quiz questions and answers best quiz questions question answer game best questions question and answer games game questions movie questions best quiz questions and answers answering a question with a question good quiz questions and answers top questions movie quiz and answers movie quiz with answers trivia quiz with answers movie questions and answers good trivia questions and answers best trivia questions and answers movie trivia with answers 21 questions game questions questions to ask with answers top quiz questions and answers movie trivia and answers the answer is in the question best quiz questions with answers trivia quiz and answers question with answer game best true false questions the best quiz questions and answers best true and false questions good true and false questions good true false questions good quiz questions with answers a true false best trivia questions with answers it quiz with answers movie quiz questions with answers gaming quiz with answers answer the question quiz questions & answers for a quiz best quiz with answers best questions and answers for quiz good trivia questions with answers movie trivia questions with answers top trivia questions and answers the best trivia questions and answers questions good the answer is in the question quiz a quiz with answers top quiz questions with answers gaming quiz and answers best quiz and answers movie trivia quiz and answers answer this quiz best movie trivia questions and answers quiz and questions and answers true false answers to questions quiz questions with the answers answer the quiz questions quiz quiz questions and answers movie trivia quiz questions and answers true false quiz game it quiz and answers movie trivia quiz with answers a quiz questions and answers quiz questions and answers trivia best questions and answers quiz true trivia questions true or false questions funny funny true or false questions and answers list true false funny test answer funny true or false quiz questions and answers printable true or false trivia questions and answers true or false food and drink quiz questions true or false questions and answers list true false funny funny true or false questions true or false statements with answers true or false baby facts funny true or false questions and answers pdf random true or false questions true or false trivia questions with answers true or false fun trivia true or false christmas questions true or false game questions best true or false questions funny weird true or false questions true or false quiz 2023 true or false quiz questions funny stupid true or false questions true or false questions with answers general knowledge printable funny true or false questions about yourself true or false trivia questions funny true or false trivia questions baby trivia true or false true false trivia questions funny questions with answers "true or false question. indicate true answers with a t and false answers  with an f. mriis an example of an eponym." funny true or false quiz questions and answers true or false funny answer classical comedies are intended to be funny. true false clever true easy true or false questions and answers list true or false questions funny with answers true and false trivia baby trivia true or false printable true or false question solver funny questions about food funny multiple choice questions true and false quiz questions true or false questions and answers list printable funny true or false facts true answers funny true or false questions for adults funny true or false facts uk true or false questions to ask true or false trivia 100 true or false questions funniest true or false questions true or false trivia questions for seniors random true and false questions random true false questions true or false food questions interesting true or false questions true or false baby questions and answers easy true or false questions true or false music questions true or false baby questions true or false solver free great true or false questions funny questions and answers true or false answers hard true or false questions funny question with answers true or false quiz funny true or false questions to ask your friends funny true or false facts funny true or false questions and answers pdf rude true or false questions true or false questions about yourself random true false questions true or false questions for kids easy true or false questions true or false sex questions funny food questions true/false answers true or false quiz answers funny travel questions trivia questions true or false true false trivia true or false christmas quiz with answers funny questions answers

Competence Motivation

Competence motivation is based on the idea that people are driven to participate in activities in order to develop or demonstrate their skills.

They gain confidence in their abilities after successfully completing a challenging endeavor and obtaining praise, whether in the physical, cognitive, or social realm.

Success in any of the areas will serve to teach these people that they have control over their own performance.

The pleasure people derive from a favorable assessment of their competence and control tends to boost or sustain their drive to learn.

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questions and answers trivia best questions and answers quiz true trivia questions true or false questions funny funny true or false questions and answers list true false funny test answer funny true or false quiz questions and answers printable true or false trivia questions and answers true or false food and drink quiz questions true or false questions and answers list true false funny funny true or false questions true or false statements with answers true or false baby facts funny true or false questions and answers pdf random true or false questions true or false trivia questions with answers true or false fun trivia true or false christmas questions true or false game questions best true or false questions funny weird true or false questions true or false quiz 2023 true or false quiz questions funny stupid true or false questions true or false questions with answers general knowledge printable funny true or false questions about yourself true or false trivia questions funny true or false trivia questions baby trivia true or false true false trivia questions funny questions with answers "true or false question. indicate true answers with a t and false answers  with an f. mriis an example of an eponym." funny true or false quiz questions and answers true or false funny answer classical comedies are intended to be funny. true false clever true easy true or false questions and answers list true or false questions funny with answers true and false trivia baby trivia true or false printable true or false question solver funny questions about food funny multiple choice questions true and false quiz questions true or false questions and answers list printable funny true or false facts true answers funny true or false questions for adults funny true or false facts uk true or false questions to ask true or false trivia 100 true or false questions funniest true or false questions true or false trivia questions for seniors random true and false questions random true false questions true or false food questions interesting true or false questions true or false baby questions and answers easy true or false questions true or false music questions true or false baby questions true or false solver free great true or false questions funny questions and answers true or false answers hard true or false questions funny question with answers true or false quiz funny true or false questions to ask your friends funny true or false facts funny true or false questions and answers pdf rude true or false questions true or false questions about yourself random true false questions true or false questions for kids easy true or false questions true or false sex questions funny food questions true/false answers true or false quiz answers funny travel questions trivia questions true or false true false trivia true or false christmas quiz with answers funny questions answers

Achievement Motivation

The urge for success or the desire to excel is referred to as achievement motivation. The foundation for success differs from one person to the next for a variety of reasons.

Two main demands can be recognized as motivation for achievement. One is a person's want to succeed, which is linked to their desire to achieve their objectives, while the other is a person's desire to avoid failure.

Some people may be hesitant to assume the responsibility of pursuing ambitious goals outside of their comfort zone because they are afraid of failing.

Self-criticism, an increased heart rate, and anxiety are some clearly apparent indicators of those driven by the need to avoid failure. They're also concerned about the ramifications of failure.

All of these factors might contribute to poor workplace performance. Individuals who feel compelled to achieve successful objectives, on the other hand, are more motivated to stick to goals they know they can achieve.

They are less inclined to resist taking on new difficulties and are less likely to avoid taking on new responsibilities.

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The earliest football clubs were created by graduates of these public institutions, as well as Oxford and Cambridge, and contributed to the institutionalization of rugby.

Many young men wanted to keep playing the game they loved after they graduated from high school, and the early yearly matches between alumni and current senior students were insufficient to satisfy them. In the mid-nineteenth century, football clubs arose, with one of the first rugby clubs forming in Blackheath in 1858.

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Rugby fever quickly spread to Ireland and Scotland, with a club forming at the University of Dublin in 1854 and the Edinburgh Academicals Rugby Football Club forming in 1858 by the Old Boys of Edinburgh. The history of club matches originated in England in 1863, when Blackheath took against Richmond.

In 1863, representatives from many major football teams convened to try to come up with a standard set of regulations for the sport. Disagreements occurred over ball-handling and "hacking," the word for tripping an opponent and kicking his shins. Handling and hacking were permitted under rugby regulations but were prohibited in other sports.

The rugby players, led by Blackheath's F.W. Campbell, refused to bend on the issue of hacking, labeling opponents "unmanly." Despite the fact that many features of rugby regulations were included in early agreements, Campbell's group refused to accept the rules formed for the new Football Association (FA).

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